
About me

Hello! Iā€™m Tian, the heart and hands behind this cozy online kitchen šŸ². I juggle the roles of chef, writer, and photographer to bring you the essence of each dish I share.

Here's a glimpse of the face behind the flavors. šŸ˜Š

profile photo

Believe it or not, my culinary journey began far from my native kitchen. It wasn't until my studies brought me to Europe that I faced the challenge of cooking for myself.

During the quiet days of lockdown, the pangs of hunger and homesickness drove me to the grocery store, filling my basket with what would become my first solo feast. Yet, standing amidst a puzzle of ingredients, I found myself overwhelmed, a stranger in both kitchen and country.

It was in this moment of vulnerability that my resolve was kindled to master the art of Chinese cooking, one recipe at a time šŸ„¢.

As it turns out, I had a hidden flair for the culinary arts, and what once seemed daunting now graces my dinner table with ease and flair.

Longing for the familiar flavors of my heritage, I was inspired to start this blog.

My goal is straightforward: to demystify Chinese cooking for people all over the world, proving that authentic Chinese meals can be a joy to prepare in any kitchen šŸ”.

In the sanctuary of my kitchen, I've reconnected with my roots, and each recipe I share is a celebration of the love and nostalgia that has shaped my journey. Thank you for visiting, and I hope you find warmth, joy, and perhaps a taste of home in the dishes I present. šŸŒ±